Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1993 18:48:05 -0500 Comment: NIH Image Distribution List Originator: Errors-To: Reply-To: Sender: Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas From: Barr Kum To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: Re: MAC to VCR Sometime back I posted a query requesting help on recording a single image at a time onto a VCR. I did recieve replies which are appended at the end. I did manage to make a movie sequence by recording each image in this manner. This method bypasses the memory constraint when using animations on the computer. Equipment used was 1) Mac II cx 2) Syscom Mediator Scan convertor 3) Nec PC VCR (serial port controllable) Software NIH Image 1.49 Multiple images of contour plots were made on a workstation saved in Tiff format and telneted onto the Mac. Caution if you can generate PICT files use them as they use up less space. Out of the 600 images generated there was space for only 250 on a disk with 80 MB free space. The VCR was hooked up to the video output via scan convertor. Another line connecting VCR serial port and Mac serial was used to control VCR actions from the Mac. A macro written in NIH image was then used to crontrol the action of the VCR. Each image w called up. The menu bar etc were visible in the movie. Wayne Rasband has said that he will consider having a Macro call for PHOTOMODE. This should solve that problem. For some reason if a Pause command was sent to the VCR insted of a STOP the syncronisation got mixed up. Recording would occur when the image was being closed etc. Ive given the Macro used below. The general outline of the macro is as follows 1) Call up a image file 2) Send message to VCR via serial port to start recording 3) Time a sec (or any other) 4) Send message to VCR to stop recording 5) close file, loop I had to do this thru a macro as i was sending 250 images to the VCR. However f you are sending only a couple you could load the image, go into photomode and have a macro that will can be activated by command keys to send message to VCR to start recording and stop after fixed time. Hope this helps Sereno Barr-Kumarakulasinghe Marine Sciences Research Center SUNY @ Stony Brook NY 11794-5000 e-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------ macro 'Mac To NEC PC VCR'; var linefeed,return,r,c,p,s,t,crlf,rc, ps,st,file:string; i:integer; begin r:=chr(82); c:=chr(67); p:=chr(80); s:=chr(83); t:=chr(84); linefeed:=chr(10); return:=chr(13); crlf:=concat(return,linefeed); rc:=concat(r,c,crlf); ps:=concat(p,s,crlf) st:=concat(s,t,crlf) RequiresVersion(1.50); OpenSerial('1200 baud,no parity,eight data,one stop'); for i:=1 to 275 do begin SetImport('TIFF'); Import('Temp', i:3) Photomode(true); PutSerial(rc); Wait(4); PutSerial(st); Wait(3); Photomode(false); SetCursor('Arrow'); close; Beep; end end; ----------------------------------------------------------- From: Barr Kum writes: >I need to know of a way to write images from a window to a videotape on a >VCR. We've got a NEC VCR that is supposed to be capable of advancing frame >by frame. You have a number of options, depending on your budget and requirements you might be able to do the job with next to nothing, or you might need fairly big bucks. Option 1) Get access to a quadra. The quadra has built in video. You will need to make or buy a cable that goes from the quadra to BNC. Read trhe document: quadra_video.txt in /pub/image/documents of I might also be able to send you a schematic. YOU ****MUST**** USE APPLE CONVOLUTION MODE in the monitors control panal to get decent video. You will only get grayscale. Option 2) (not recommended) Use a RasterOps video expander. Its cheap (and its also inexpensive). It does a worse job than the quadra video. Option 3) Buy a radius video vision, get color and decent video. High cost. For all the above options you can use the serial port macro calls to advance your vcr, if the vcr is that "smart" a vcr. Mark ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Another option is the Scion NTSC output card, for about $595.?[ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: D1887@AppleLink.Apple.Com FROM: Bonnie Polesky D1887 SUB: Mac to VCR Dear Mr. Kum: In response to your inquiry of writing images from a Mac window to a VCR, Scion Corporation offers a product, the TV-3, which is capable of outputing grayscale images from a version of NIH Image in just this way. The TV-3 converts the image contained in its memory buffer into an RS-170 video signal for outputting to devices such as video tape recorders and video printers. The TV-3 sells for $595 and is available direct from Scion. If you wish to receive literature on the TV-3, please forward your address and fax number to us. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, Bonnie Polesky Director, Sales & Marketing =============================================================================== From: IN%"mvivino@helix.nih.Gov" 8-APR-1993 15:18:16.84 Subj: RE: Mac to VCR (using a quadra 950) >From what youve said and going thru the document zippy... it looks >like color output can be written onto video-tape. However how do I get about >sending only what is in a window to the vcr as against the whole screen. >Any advice really welcome. I was pretty sure it was only grayscale. What you need to do is first make the cable. I have uploaded a schematic to in the pub/image/contrib directory. Then to output just the image you can do one of two things: 1) Have only the cable running as video and load the image into the Image program. Then select Photomode. 2) Use two monitors, one from the cable the other from a built in video card (use this as monitor one). Then make your image scaled as large as monitor two. Mark ============================================================================