POV-Ray v3.1 beta 4 This page contains links to the beta binaries of POV-Ray v3.1 for the MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, and Macintosh platforms. Note that some POV-Ray 3.0 scenes that used certain experimental features will not work with POV-Ray v3.1. Do not overwrite your old copy of POV-Ray (if you have one). These programs are time limited betas that will expire at midnight, 30 September 1998. They may not be included in any CD compilation or equivalent. Any sites that place these files up for retrieval must delete them after 30 September 1998. -------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation Here is the POV-Ray v3.1 beta 4 documentation in various formats. Note that all of the binary archives below have documentation included with them. The following links give you alternatives to the type of documentation included with the binaries. * Microsoft Word 97 (1mb) Download docs/pov31w97.zip * HTML (1mb) Download docs/povhtml.zip * PDF (2.25mb) Download docs/povuser.pdf * WinHelp (2.5mb) Download docs/povhlp.zip Note that it is not necessary to download the WinHelp version if you get the POV-Ray for Windows beta as it is included in that archive. Those users wanting a plain-text version should download the MS-DOS beta and get it from there. -------------------------------------------------------------- MS-DOS (Download povmsdos.exe) To get the POV-Ray 3.1 beta 4 executable for MS-DOS (1.5mb), download the install file via FTP or HTTP, run it in a temporary directory, run the install program produced in the previous step, and follow the instructions given. The MS-DOS version contains ASCII documentation (with no graphics). It no longer contains the POV-Help system. -------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Windows (Download povwin31.exe or all the files in the parts/ directory) To get the POV-Ray 3.1 beta 4 executable for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4, you may download it in a single 5.5mb chunk via FTP or HTTP, or alternatively in four 1.44mb parts. This self-installing EXE contains the program, scene files, and an early version of the Windows Help-based documentation complete with images. Note to those who download the separate parts: some browsers (notably IE) will silently rename downloaded files under certain circumstances, particularly if a file by the same name exists. The names of the files should be POVWIN31.EXE, POVWIN31.W02, POVWIN31.W03 and POVWIN31.W04. If the installation program prompts your for a missing file, make sure that the above files exist on your hard disk and are all in the same directory. If your installation 'hangs' partway through you most likely have a corrupted file. You will need to download them again. The versions of the files on this server have been checked and are known to work. Note that POV-Ray for Windows v3.1 no longer supports Windows 3.1 or Win32s. If you want to run POV-Ray for Windows under Windows 3.1 you need to use POV-Ray for Windows v3.02. -------------------------------------------------------------- Macintosh POV-Ray 3.1Beta4 MacOS PowerPC (Download povpmac.hqx) Official POV-Ray Mac OS application for any Power Macintosh, plus all docs and scenes, requires at least Mac OS 7.1 & Appearance. POV-Ray 3.1Beta4 MacOS 68K/FPU (Download povmac68.hqx) Official POV-Ray Mac OS application for any 68020 or better Macintosh with an FPU, plus all docs and scenes, requires at least Mac OS 7.1 & Appearance. POV-Ray 3.1Beta4 MacOS 68K/non-FPU (Download povmacnf.hqx) Official POV-Ray Mac OS application for any 68020 or better Macintosh without an FPU, plus all docs and scenes, requires at least Mac OS 7.1 & Appearance. POV-Ray 3.1Beta4 MacOS Docs/Hi Quality (Download povmac_d.hqx) Official POV-Ray Mac OS "POV.DOC" documentation, nicely formatted with full-color illustrations. Self- displaying document, ready to read or print, no special word processor needed.