COL ICSD Collection Code 75785 DATE Recorded Apr 22, 1996; updated Jun 26, 1998 NAME Calcium oxide MINR Lime MINR Halite group FORM Ca O = Ca O TITL Neutron powder diffraction study of the crystal structure of Hg Ba2 Ca4 Cu5 O12+d at room temperature and at 10K REF Physica C (Amsterdam) PHYCE 227 (1994) 1-9 AUT Huang Q, Chmaissem˙O, Caponi˙J˙J, Chaillout˙C, Marezio˙M, Tholence˙J˙L, Santoro˙A CELL a=4.805(0) b=4.805(0) c=4.805(0) ŕ=90.0 á=90.0 ç=90.0 V=110.9 D=3.35 Z=4 SGR F m -3 m (225) - cubic CLAS m-3m (Hermann-Mauguin) - Oh (Schoenflies) PRS cF8 ANX AX PARM Atom__No OxStat Wyck -----X----- -----Y----- -----Z----- -SOF- Ca 1 2.000 4a 0. 0. 0. O 1 -2.000 4b 1/2 0. 0. WYCK b a ITF Ca 1 B=0.5(1) ITF O 1 B=2.3(2) REM NDP (neutron diffraction from a powder) REM K Impurity phase of the sample of col.-no. 75782 (2 wt.%) REM M PDF 43-1001 RVAL 0.052