COL ICSD Collection Code 28857 DATE Recorded Jan 1, 1980; updated Jun 26, 1998 NAME Carbon MINR Diamond - from Belgian Congo, one white sample FORM C = C TITL Precision Determination of Lattice Parameter, Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Atomic Weight of Carbon in Diamond REF Journal of the American Chemical Society JACSA 73 (1951) 5643-5646 AUT Straumanis M E, AkaÿEÿZ CELL a=3.567 b=3.567 c=3.567 à=90.0 á=90.0 ç=90.0 V=45.4 Z=8 SGR F d -3 m S (227) - cubic CLAS m-3m (Hermann-Mauguin) - Oh (Schoenflies) PRS cF8 ANX N PARM Atom__No OxStat Wyck ---X--- ---Y--- ---Z--- -SOF- C 1 0.000 8a 0. 0. 0. WYCK a REM TEM 283 REM M PDF 6-675, expansion coefficient 1.51 * 10**-6 TEST No R value given in the paper. (Code 51) TEST At least one temperature factor missing in the paper. (Code 53)