COL ICSD Collection Code 33149 DATE Recorded Oct 18, 1984 NAME Calcium sodium potassium aluminium iron magnesium alumosilicate hydroxide hydrate * MINR Illite - from Denholm Hill Quarry, Roxburghshire FORM ((H3 O)0.58 Ca0.10 Na0.06 K1.13) (Al2.86 Fe0.31 Fe0.09 Mg0.68) (Si6.92 Al1.08) O20 (O H)4 = H5.74 Al3.94 Ca.1 Fe.4 K1.13 Mg.68 Na.06 O24.58 Si6.92 TITL The illite in some Old Red Sandstone soils and sediments REF Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society (1876-1968) MIASA 31 (1957) 681-689 AUT Mackenzie R C CELL a=5.160 b=9.020 c=9.990 à=90.0 á=90.0 ç=90.0 V=465.0 Z=1 TEST No R value given in the paper. (Code 51) TEST Coordinates or space group or lattice parameters are not determined. (Code 71)