COL ICSD Collection Code 36253 DATE Recorded Sep 24, 1986; updated Sep 24, 1986 NAME Lead oxide (3/4) MINR Minium FORM Pb3 O4 = O4 Pb3 TITL The crystal structure of Pb3 O4 and Sn Pb2 O4 REF Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, B ARKGB 16 (1943) 1-7 Issue 1 AUT Bystroem A, WestgrenÿA CELL a=8.800 b=8.800 c=6.560 à=90.0 á=90.0 ç=90.0 V=508.0 Z=4 SGR P 42/m b c (135) - tetragonal CLAS 4/mmm (Hermann-Mauguin) - D4h (Schoenflies) PRS tP28 ANX AB2X4 PARM Atom__No OxStat Wyck ---X--- ---Y--- ---Z--- -SOF- Pb 1 4.000 4d 0. 1/2 1/4 Pb 2 2.000 8h 0.1472 0.1583 0. O 1 -2.000 8g 0.6722 1.1722 1/4 O 2 -2.000 8h 0.1139 0.6139 0. WYCK h2 g d TEST At least one temperature factor missing in the paper. (Code 53) TEST No R value given in the paper. (Code 51)