COL ICSD Collection Code 72061 DATE Recorded Aug 22, 1993 NAME Octasodium tecto-hexaalumohexasilicate bis(deuteriooxide) bis(dideuteriohydrate) MINR Sodalite - synthetic FORM Na8 (Al6 Si6 O24) (O D)2 (D2 O)2 = D6 Al6 Na8 O28 Si6 TITL Orientational disorder of the hydrogen dihydroxide anion, O2H3-, in sodium hydroxosodalite dihydrate, Na8(Al6Si6O24)(OH)2.2H2O: single-crystal X-ray and powder neutron diffraction and MAS NMR and FT IR spectroscopy REF Journal of Physical Chemistry JPCHA 96 (1992) 392-397 AUT Wiebcke M, Engelhardt˙G, Felsche˙J, Kempa˙P˙B, Sieger˙P, Schefer˙J, Fischer˙P CELL a=8.860(50) b=8.860(50) c=8.860(50) ŕ=90.0 á=90.0 ç=90.0 V=695.5 Z=1 SGR P -4 3 n (218) - cubic CLAS -43m (Hermann-Mauguin) - Td (Schoenflies) PRS cP54 ANX A3B3C4X14 PARM Atom__No OxStat Wyck -----X----- -----Y----- -----Z----- -SOF- Al 1 3.000 6d 1/4 0. 1/2 Si 1 4.000 6c 1/4 1/2 0. O 1 -2.000 24i 0.1391(2) 0.1499(2) 0.4382(1) Na 1 1.000 8e 0.1759(3) 0.1759(3) 0.1759(3) O 2 -2.000 24i 0.059(4) -0.061(4) 0.114(2) 0.1667 D 1 1.000 12f 0.061(3) 0. 0. 0.1667 D 2 1.000 8e 0.8661(6) 0.8661(6) 0.8661(6) 0.5 WYCK i2 e d c ITF Al 1 U=0.0067(6) ITF Si 1 U=0.0067(6) ITF O 1 U=0.0106(4) ITF Na 1 U=0.018(1) ITF O 2 U=0.038(4) ITF D 1 U=0.08(1) ITF D 2 U=0.054(1) REM TEM 173 REM NDP (neutron diffraction from a powder) REM RVP RVAL 0.047