COL ICSD Collection Code 16593 DATE Recorded Jan 1, 1980; updated May 14, 1984 NAME Iron carbide (3/1) FORM Fe3 C = C Fe3 TITL Comparison of X-ray and neutron-diffraction refinements of the structure of cementite Fe3 C REF Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967) ACCRA 17 (1964) 1331-1332 AUT Herbstein F H, SmutsÿJ CELL a=5.090 b=6.748 c=4.523 à=90.0 á=90.0 ç=90.0 V=155.4 Z=4 SGR P n m a (62) - orthorhombic CLAS mmm (Hermann-Mauguin) - D2h (Schoenflies) PRS oP16 ANX NO3 PARM Atom__No OxStat Wyck ---X--- ---Y--- ---Z--- -SOF- Fe 1 0.000 8d 0.186 0.063 0.328 Fe 2 0.000 4c 0.036 1/4 0.852 C 1 0.000 4c 0.89 1/4 0.45 WYCK d c2 REM REF (refinement of earlier measured intensity data) REM XDP (X-ray diffraction from a powder) RVAL 0.044 TEST At least one temperature factor missing in the paper. (Code 53)