WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATIONS These programs have passed through several versions, both to add new features which allow them to pass data files with other routines in this package and correct difficulties. They have been operated successfully on a large number of problems, however, it is possible that under some circumstances, with a particular set of data or when used in some unforeseen order, erroneous results may be obtained. The authors, The Pennsylvania State University, and the JOINT COMMITTEE- INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR DIFFRACTION DATA, therefore take no responsibility for the correctness of the programs in all respects. There is no warranty, expressed or implied, with regard to the services provided. In particular, but without limitation, there is no warranty as to the accuracy or fitness for intended use of any software component of the services provided, nor does the use of this system, or the component programs, provide for guarantees of privacy, security, or integrity of user's data. The user of this code assumes all responsibilities of the system and will not hold any of the above mentioned parties responsible for any damages resulting from the use of these programs. This means we are not responsible for any costs including but not limited to those incurred as a result of lost profits or revenue, loss of use of the computer program, loss of data, costs of recreating data, the cost of telephone to rerun the codes, the costs of any substitute program, claims by any party other than the user, or for any other similar costs.