<* $Id: xnd_err.html,v 1999/07/31 10:42:00 berar Exp $ *> Exit and Error codes of xnd program.

Exit and Error codes of on xnd program.

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Exit codes

When it exit, xnd return an integer code which can be use by scripts to decide which will be the following procedures. This code take the following values.
Displacements are lower than EpsStop
0Best minimization on last cycle
1Best minimization at intermediate cyclethe last is better than starting point
2the last is worst than starting point
Stop on MaxCycle cycles
3Best minimization on last cycle
4Best minimization at intermediate cyclethe last is better than starting point
5the last is worst than starting point
Stop due to errors
10Reading or checking initail consistency
11Inverting least-square matrix
12Inverting spline matrix (back-ground)
13Mathematical error
14Memory allocation error
15Error with internal temporary files
16Error due to internal coherency (should never appear)

Parameter without meaningless does not always stop the program, they will be fixed. But if their number quickly increase the program will stop.
Examples of using these codes are given in the cshell unix script "cycle.xnd" or in the msdos "xnd_bat.bat"

Error information

Before exiting xnd tries to give information about the errors. It prints on the listing file the content of a stack allowing users to find in which procedure the error occurs. It also print some message on the error.
  Les principaux sont contenus dans le fichier xnd_msg.h :
E_FOPEN  Ouverture fichier '%s' : '%s' impossible"
E_CHK    Coherence interne : %s"
/* xnd_r... */
E_FNAME  Nom de fichier '%s'0
E_READ   Lecture '%s' a %.4f"
E_ZEROP  Pas de points sur fichier '%s'"
E_NEGAT  Fichier DATA non croissant : %.3f  %.3f"
E_RANGE  Fichier DATA en %d dtheta impossible : %.3f"
/* xnd_use... */
E_RDATF  Lecture Fichier Data"
E_WDATF  Ecriture Fichier Data"
E_DYDPS  Positionement fichier interne DYDP"
E_DYDPR  Lecture fichier interne DYDP"
E_DYDPW  Ecriture fichier interne DYDP
         => En general un probleme de place sur le disque par defaut.
E_ALLOC  Allocation Memoire %u * %u : %s0

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JFB Feb 21th, 1997