xnd 1.21: input file

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In this section, the input data file to the program is described in detail. The coordinate file is often used with a .k extension, this is not mandatory but allows the use of cycling procedures. In this document the input file will be refered as xnd.k.
The easiest way to start a new study with xnd is to select an existing file, from examples or demos, and to modify it. This goes really quicker than writing it with the help of this document.

The xnd.k file is not automatically checked for physical consistency of input data and these short guides to the preparation of this file can not replace the necessary knowledges in crystallography. All the others file names are specified in it.

When the xnd.k file seems to be filled, you can try to run the program by typing xnd, you will be asked for the input file or if you prefer you can type directly xnd xnd.k or xnd xnd to run the same xnd.k input file.

In the xnd.k coordinate file, the cristallographic parameters are grouped into blocks. Each block has a specific function and several blocks are necessary to have a complete coordinate files. The blocks may be grouped as follows

In the coordinate file, there are also some alphanumeric fields as file names, symmetry identifiers, atoms identifiers. The following restrictions apply: The whole structure on the input file is described in the following tables. Each parameter is detailled, it is fisrt following by a code which is used to indentify its nature. Then typical value are precised and the input is commented. Two special codes are used to identify the nature of the variables block '%' and the variable parameters '$'. Their use is described in the part encoding the variables in standard block after the header part in which there is no variable parameters.

It is possible to insert a block of comments between each block of the program; each line of comment must began with a character '#'. If not explicitly stated, comments are forbidden inside the programs blocks. The comments are faithfully reproduced in the xnd.new file.

Here the block structure of the coordinate file is detailed, giving the meaning of each parameter. In the first column, an identifier defines the nature of the variable.
c[n]n characters max without space
sstring, up to the end of the line (see key case below)
%kind of block
$variable in block

The key structure

This structure has been introduced in the 1.2 release to allow new and optional parameters to be specified without change in the coordinates file structure. It also allows to use default values for common parameters. Inside keys, the string structure is slightly different: the string is read up to the end of the line expcept if the first character is a quote ', in this case if a quote is encountered before the end of the line, the string ends.
In the input file, the program search for a key beginnig by a '@'. They are followed by various token with their value. If a token is not encountered, the associated variable takes its default value. The order of the token is free but they are uppercase. The keys and their token are listed below together with their default values.
A special request can be issued to list all the token associated with a key and their default values at run time, just rename the @KEY in @?KEY.

Coordinates file header

The header from the previous 1.1 release are still recognised. In the 1.2 release the header uses keys. If the @XND key is not found after the title a 1.1 header is assumed.

The file will contain the following parameters which are listed in the tables.

Title and output info

Titlestitle of the refinementup to the end of the line

@XND key, general parameters

The token in the following tables, describe the refinement procedure and the structure of the file. It is possible to introduce comments before or after this table with lines begining with a '#'.
@XNDkey identifier
CYCLEd10number of cycles to perform
EXPERd1number of experiments
PHASEd1number of phases
SYMd0number of symmetry tables to be read in xnd.k
ANOd0number of tables of anomalous scattering factors to be read
DIFd0number of the scattering tables to be read in xnd.k
LSTcxnd.lstlisting name
NEWcxnd.newnew file name
HKLcxnd.hklhkl file name
PLGcxnd.plgplg file name

Basic and refinement info

The values, in the following tables, describe the refinement procedure and the structure of the file. It is possible to introduce comments in this table. Such comments always begin with '#' and continue up to the end of the line.
@MODESkey identifier
LSQd00full-matrix least square refinement
+1linear minimisation is used after each least square refinement
+2weight taken on calculated rather than from observed profile
+4(reserved to take care of local correlations)
+8(reserved for ponderation ascheme calculating weights on the intensity exceeding bakground level). number of cycles to perform
BGROUNDd00linear interpolation of the background
1spline interpolation of the background
2polynomial expension in tth
3expension in q starting with q-2, q-1, q0, q+1 ...
PROFILEd00pseudo-Voigt approximation of Voigt
1Voigt (to avoid with asymmetry convolution)
ORDERd0maximum number of terms in the polynome (Temp) expansion
ASYMd2<0instrumental (H+S)/L and |H-S|/L convolution and assymetry expansion on odd derivatives of gaussian for phases and experiment
>0same expansion without instrumental convolution
=0instrumental uses only (H+S)/L and |H-S|/L convolution and expansion only for phases
STOPd0.10the refinement stops if the variation of the refined parameters is lesser than the product of EpsStop and their e.s.d.
PROFc0.10the reflections are calculated in the region where
(Y_cal(i)-Y_bkg(i)) > EpsProf sigma(Y_obs(min))
RELAXc0.85damping factor

Printing codes

@OUTPUTkey identifier
NEWd1<=0 no actualized copy of the xnd.k file
>0creates the n+1 actualized copy of xnd.k
PLGd1<=0no print of the file displaying the calculated profile
1prints the file displaying the calculated profile at the last cycle
+2without header
+4add end mark
+8add semicolumns between values
+16scale x using Q
HKLd1<=0no print of the hkl summary
1prints the hkl summary at the last cycle
+2additional print of all the neglected reflections in the listing file
+4additional print of all the null reflections in the listing file
+8don't sort lines by increasing 2theta values
+128additional print of all the reflections in the listing file
SYMd00symmetry operations not printed in the listing file
+1symmetry operations explicitely read in xnd.k file are printed in the listing file
+2symmetry operations read in xnd_sym.d file are printed in the listing file
+4coordinates of generated atoms when reading the listing.
DIFd00diffusion factors tables not printed in the listing file
+1scattering factors tables read in xnd.k file are printed in the listing file
+2scattering factors tables read in xnd_dif.d file are printed in the listing file
+4scattering factors tables are always printed in the listing file
CORd00correlation matrix not printed in the listing file
1the whole correlation matrix is printed at the last cycle
2-9correlation matrix elements greater than 20-90% are printed
CIFd01, 8attempt to generate some infos for cif file

Other files information

Most of the following parameters are no more pertinent, they come from backward compatibility and may disappear in the future.
@OTHERSkey identifier
VALIDd00used for alternate refinement
2-9used for alternate refinement
DYDPd00automatic dimension of the points and of the derivatives matrix
ndimension charged into memory
DATAd00data file is saved in a binary temporary file
1data file is saved in a binary permanent file
2data file is read from a binary file; then the binary file is destroyed
3data file is read from a binary permanent file
DNAMEcname of the binary file containing data information
TMPDEFd00standard path to xnd_dif.d, xnd_sym.d and temporary files
+1explicit definition of the path to xnd_dif.d, xnd_sym.d
+2explicit definition of the path to temporary files
PATHcpath to xnd_dif.d, xnd_sym.d
TMPcpath to temporary files

Internal test parameters

Following group allows to carry some tests within xnd or to check the effect of some internal constants.
@TESTkey identifier
PRINTd00allows to print matrix...
1print out ...
AS_RMINf00for assymetry convolution
AS_RMAXf00for assymetry convolution
AS_RESOLf00for assymetry convolution
AS_WIDTHf00for assymetry convolution
BRG_RATIOf0.5ratio between modes in R Bragg calculation

Symmetry tables

If nSym=@XND(SYM) defined in the header is non zero, the nSym symmetry tables are read here. They use the same entries than in the xnd_sym.d file.

Anomalous diffusion tables

If nAno=@XND(ANO) defined in the header is non zero, the nAno diffusion tables are read here.
ADifNamec[6]name of the element identifier
nLambdadnumber of wavelenghts for which the correction is defined
the following three values repeated nLambda times.
Lambdafwavelenght at which the correction is defined
f_primefcorrection on the real part of the diffusion table
f_secondfimaginary part of the correction
This module has to be repeated for each table needed in the refinement. The correction (ITC vol C, p 219--222) is applied to the wavelengths differing less than 2e-4 A from the wavelenght defined in the table.

Diffusion tables

If nDif=@XND(DIF) defined in the header is non zero, the nDif diffusion tables are read here. They use the same entries than in the xnd_rdif.d file.

Encoding the variables in xnd

In the experiments and in the phases descriptions there are a lot of variables parameters which can be refined. They all used the same encoding and are group into blocks of parameters having the same behaviour. follows in the xnd.k file.

Experiments and Phases

Description of the nExper=@XND(EXPER) experiments follows in the xnd.k file. One experiment, even dummy, has to be present.
Then the description of the nPhase=@XND(PHASE) phases follows in the file. Like for experiment, there is always at less one phase.

End of the file

After the phases, comments are allowed. Then xnd read if possible a value for the Marquardt parameter and a code to specify how it decrease.
vMarquardtfMarquardt parameter (value added to the matrix diagonal)
cMarquardtddecreasing coef for vMarquardt in 1/20
New comments can be put after these values.
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$Id: xnd_rd.html,v 1.3 2002/05/02 12:43:14 berar Exp $