XND 1.2 : Experiment description in the input file.

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The block has to be repeated for each different experience according to the nExp=@XND(EXPER) value declared in the program header; any experience can obviously contain more diagrams and any diagrams more phases. The experiment block contain the following header and variables blocks.

Experiment Header

The header from the previous 1.1 release are still recognised. In the 1.2 release the header uses keys. If the @EXPER key is not found after the title a 1.1 header is assumed.

@EXPERkey identifier
1 neutron, single wavelenght
2 anomalous X-ray scattering
3 (neutron, reserved for magnetic structures)
TECHNd0 0X-ray Bragg-Brentano geometry (symmetric reflection, centering depend on cos_t) neutron, single wavelenght (transmission)
1 (reserved for X-ray, asymmetric reflection)
2 (reserved for X-ray, linear detector)
3 (reserved for X-ray, courbed detector, centering depend on sin_2t)
+4 apply absorption correction for transmission experiment
+8 apply absorption correction for fixed grazing incidence reflection experiment
DATAd1 number of diagrams collected in the experience
FILEd1 file type identifier (see Data File Formats)
LAMBDAd1 number of wavelenghts
BGROUNDd2>0 number of points for background definition, common to all diagrams
<0 - number of points for background foreach diagram
ORIGf0.0 origin of polynomial development
TITLEs label of the experience

Data identification

The following key @DATA is repeated nDiag=@EXPER(DATA) times. Its content depends on the FileType. If @DATA is not found, xnd search for 1.1 style lines.

@DATAkey identifier
if (FileType=@EXPER(FILE)=0) (simulation mode, no data to read)
STARTd5First point in the simulated data set
STOPd120Last point in the simulated data set
STEPd1.0step between points
TEMPf0.0value of Temp for the current simulated diagram
if (FileType=@EXPER(FILE)=20 or 21) (multiples banks)
SIZEd number of points on the data file
SUMd 1number of successive diagrams to be cumulated
SKIPd 0 number of following diagrams to be skipped
VARd 1 control parameter, Temp is the Numvar parameter in the header
MONITf 0 or value of the renormalization monitor
FILEs name of the data file
TEMPf0.0starting value of Temp
FILEs name of the data file
SIZEd number of points in the data file, these value is only checked when a binary data file is used
TEMPf0.0value of Temp for the current diagram

Wavelength block

@LAMDAkey identifier of the variable block
the following group of lines is repeated Nlambda=@EXPER(LAMBDA) times
lambda $the value of the wavelength
Int $Intensity of the wavelength
W_l(tan theta)$ spectral lorentzian width, coefficient of the lorentzian composant varying as tan(theta)-tan(theta_min)
W_g(tan theta)$ spectral gaussian width, this is the coefficient of the gaussian composant varying as tan(theta)-tan(theta_min)

Background block

@BGROUNDkey identifier of the variable block
the following group of lines is repeated nBckg=@EXPER(BGROUND) times
2theta_i fangle of the selected background point
Int_bkg_i $Intensity of the background at 2theta_i

Alignment block

Some parameters are not fully implemented, in this block the derivatives calculation is done only for the 4 first variables in xnd_1.25; trying to refine them may lead to system errors. This has to be corrected in a few.
@SETTINGkey identifier of the variable block
Zero $error on the absolute position of 2theta counter in degrees
Polar $correction of polarisation : cos^2(2theta_mono)
0 neutron or synchrotron radiation data
1 filtered X-ray data
0.8357 Cu-K_beta radiation, graphite monochromator
t_mono $tangent of the minimum of the spectral distribution (-v/2u of classical Rietveld)
s_Eclair $ intensity correction (rectangular sample) at low angle for illumination

if sin(theta) < s_Eclair the intensities are corrected according to sin(theta)/s_eclair

if Techn=@EXPER(TECHN) == 4, 8
Zero_theta $ not used
if Techn=@EXPER(TECHN) == 1, 5, 9
Zero_theta $ difference theta - 2theta/2 or fixed angle incidence
if Techn=@EXPER(TECHN) == 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11
alpha $ fixed incidence angle
if Techn=@EXPER(TECHN) == 4, 5, 6, 7 (transmission with absorption correction)
Abs_cyl$ absorption (mu.R) for cylinders
Abs_pl $ absorption (mu.L) for plates
if Techn=@EXPER(TECHN) == 8, 9, 10, 11 (reflection with absorption correction)
Alpha_c$ critical angle
Mu$ absorption length

Instumental profile block

@INSTRUkey identifier of the variable block
Wl0 $ constant lorentzian linewidth
Wg0 $ constant gaussian linewidth
Wl_T2 $ lorentzian linewidth varying with 1/tan(2theta) like axial divergency
Wg_T2 $ gaussian linewidth varying with 1/tan(2theta) like axial divergency
if Techn=@EXPER(TECHN) == 3,7,11 (cylinder detectors) dependance of sin(TTH-alpha)
WlSa $ linear lorentzian linewidth
WgSa $ linear gaussian linewidth
WlS2a $ quadratic lorentzian linewidth
WgS2a $ quadratic gaussian linewidth

Asymmetry block

Various cases have to be considered according to the value of mAsym=@MODES(ASYM) in the header.
If asym =< 0 we will first read the convolution parameters, Note that if a Pseudo-Voigt is used, the convolution process is analytic but for the real Voigt no analytic formulation allow to solve the convolution process.
@ASCNVkey identifier of the variable block
h+s_r $sum (h+s) of detector and sample axial appertures divided by their distance
d_h+s $relative value of the difference |h-s|/h+s of detector and sample axial appertures

If (asym != 0) we read the coefficents of the asymmetry expansion
@ASYMkey identifier of the variable block
the following group of lines is repeated according to mAssym in the program header
A_T2 $asymmetry coefficient varying with 1/tan(2theta)
A_T $asymmetry coefficient varying with 1/tan(theta)
AS2 $asymmetry coefficient varying with sin(2 theta)

Complementary experimental block

@C_EXPkey identifier of the variable block
resol $ analysor resolution dlambda/lambda (read only if nature == 16

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" $Id: xnd_rexp.html,v 1.4 2002/06/19 12:41:05 berar Exp $ "