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Crystallography Laboratory University of Nijmegen

[IMAGE: Randy]

Randy's Links to other WEB addicts

Theo's homepage! Finally there it is! That means for both: your page and my link to it. But I have to agree you put a lot of work into that page Theo! I'd like to say keep it running!

Marc's homepage! Marc is - besides a well known promising NMR-specialist - a web addict of the severest kind. He recently updated his homepage, have a look and you'll see what I mean...

Peter's homepage! Peter is a german crystallographer and also one of the group of people who endangered the reputation of Erice as a quiet little mountain village!

Jon's homepage! Jon is a very famous crystallographer (in Erice) who is also representative for the typical humor of the British and their quenchless thirst for beer. (little joke, Jon, I know the Dutch tried hard to keep up!)


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