HBITMAP DPlot_GetBitmapEx(int DocNum, int cx, int cy, DPLOT_PLOTMETRICS *DPM);

DocNumDocument index for the document that you want a bitmap picture of (1-32). In practice this will generally (though not necessarily) be the return value of a call to DPlot_Plot.
cx, cyRequested width and height of the bitmap, in pixels.
*DPMAddress of a DPLOT_PLOTMETRICS structure (see below). The size member of this structure should be set by the caller prior to calling this function. If *DPM is set to NULL, this information is not returned and this function is identical to DPlot_GetBitmap.

Return Values
  0 Generic error attempting to communicate with DPlot. This most often indicates that DPlot is currently busy, e.g. a modal dialog box is open.
<>0 Handle to a device-dependent bitmap. This picture may be drawn in your application with the Windows API functions BitBlt and/or StretchBlt

Palette information is not returned, so this function does not work particularly well with 256 (or fewer) color displays.

In C:

typedef struct tagDPLOT_PLOTMETRICS
    DWORD   size;       // Size of this structure
    DWORD   hll;        // horizontal and
    DWORD   vll;        //  vertical coordinates of the lower left corner of
                        //  the plot, in pixels
    DWORD   hur;        // horizontal and
    DWORD   vur;        //  vertical coordinates of the upper right corner of
                        //  the plot, in pixels
    float   xlo;        // value of x at the left plot extent
    float   ylo;        // value of y at the bottom plot extent
    float   xhi;        // value of x at the right plot extent
    float   yhi;        // value of y at the top plot extent
In Visual Basic:
    size As Long    ' size of this structure
    hll As Long     ' horizontal and
    vll As Long     '  vertical coordinates of the lower left corner of
                    '  the plot, in pixels
    hur As Long     ' horizontal and
    vur As Long     '  vertical coordinates of the upper right corner of
                    '  the plot, in pixels
    xlo As Single   ' value of x at the left plot extent
    ylo As Single   ' value of y at the bottom plot extent
    xhi As Single   ' value of x at the right plot extent
    yhi As Single   ' value of y at the top plot extent
End Type

The information returned in this structure can be used to translate pixel coordinates (mouse position, for example) into X,Y coordinates in data space. The btest2 Visual Basic and ctest2 C demos illustrate this functionality for linear scales. Translating pixels to X and Y for various scaling types is described below in Visual Basic terminology. In all cases, x and y are the pixel coordinates of interest (0,0 is at the upper left corner of the bitmap), wx and wy are the translated X and Y values; DPM is the DPLOT_PLOTMETRICS structure returned by DPlot_GetBitmapEx. Reverse scaling probability plots is outside the scope of this documentation.
Linear X:

    wx = DPM.xlo + (x - DPM.hll) * (DPM.xhi - DPM.xlo) /(DPM.hur - DPM.hll)
Linear Y:
    wy = DPM.ylo + (y - DPM.vll) * (DPM.yhi - DPM.ylo) / (DPM.vur - DPM.vll)
Logarithmic X:
    wx = DPM.xlo * (DPM.xhi/DPM.xlo) ^ ( (x-DPM.hll)/(DPM.hur-DPM.hll) )
Logarithmic Y:
    wy = DPM.ylo * (DPM.yhi/DPM.ylo) ^ ( (y-DPM.vll)/(DPM.vur-DPM.vll) )
Polar coordinates:
    xp = ( x - ( DPM.hll +DPM.hur )/2. ) * 2.0 * _
         ( DPM.yhi - DPM.ylo ) / ( DPM.hur - DPM.hll ) + DPM.ylo
    yp = ( y - ( DPM.vll +DPM.vur )/2. ) * 2.0 * _
         ( DPM.yhi - DPM.ylo ) / ( DPM.vur - DPM.vll ) + DPM.ylo 
    If xp = 0 Then
      If yp < 0 Then
        alpha = -90
        alpha = 90
      End If
    Elseif xp < 0 then
      alpha = atn(yp/xp) * 180. / PI - 180.
      alpha = atn(yp/xp) * 180. / PI
    End If
    If alpha < 0. Then
      alpha = 360 + alpha
    End If
    radius = sqr(xp^2 + yp^2)
Triangle plot:
    wy = 100 * (DPM.vll-y) / (DPM.vll-DPM.vur)
    wx = 100 * ( (x-DPM.hll) - 0.01*wy*(DPM.vll-DPM.vur)*0.5773502691896) / _
N185 Hydraulic scale:
    wx = ( (x - DPM.hll) * (DPM.xhi^1.85 - DPM.xlo^1.85) / _
         (DPM.hur-DPM.hll) + DPM.xlo^1.85 )^(1.0/1.85)


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