PROF2 - DATA FOR PROFILE REFINEMENT PROGRAM DUA2:[C5.HEWAT]PROF2 (OR "REF") 1. TITLE - This should include the date, data block numbers etc... *(20A4) 2. ID, EPS(0.3), CALC(=0 IF NONMAG), PH,PK,PL(0,0,0), LIM(-6000) ! ID is the identificaion of the data - the same as for the first program ! EPS forces refinement termination when all shifts are < EPS*ERRORS ! CALC =1 for magnetic intensities according to Halpern & Johnson ! =2 for average magnetic intensities for uniaxial spin symmetry ! =3 for average magnetic intensities for cubic spin symmetry ! PH,PK,PL Miller indices of surface normal of platey crystals. ! Irrelevant if no preferred orientation correction is made. ! LIM the limiting angle in 1/100ths 2theta for peak asymmetry correction. ! +ve for Rietveld's correction; -ve for Howard's correction. ! *(A4,4X,F8.2,5I8) 3. CENTRE(=1 NONC,=2 CENTRIC), EQUIV(NO.), TYPE(NO.A TYPES), FORM(NO.FF'S) ATOM(NO.A'S), ROT(NO.R VECTS), LAMBDA(WAVELENGTH) ! CENTRE - a magnetic structure is only centro-symmetric if atoms related ! by the centre have spins pointing in the same direction. ! EQUIV - number of equivalent positions not related by a centre of symmetry ! (and not including x,y,z itself). ! TYPE - the number of atom types (scattering lengths). ! FORM - the number of magnetic types (form factor tables). ! ATOM - the number of atom positions. ! ROT - the number of magnetic rotation vectors following each ! equivalent position matrix ( =0 for non-magnetics ). ! LAMBDA - the neutron wavelength in Angstroms. ! *(6I8,F8.5) 4. EQUIVALENT POSITIONS, each followed by magnetic rotations (if any) Do not include the basic x,y,z position. ! The equivalent position (-x+1/2, y+1/2, z ) is represented by the x-vector ! and displacement, the y-vector etc. eg. -1 0 0 .5 0 1 0 .5 0 0 1 0 ! This is followed by the ROT magnetic rotation vectors. The first is x,y,z ! ie. 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 , and is always needed if there are magnetic atoms. ! *(12F6.2) 5. SCATTERING LENGTHS - a total of TYPE values is needed ( units O=0.5805 ). *(6F8.4) 6. SINTH/LAMBDA & MAGNET FF'S (if magnetic) terminated by -100 for each atom. ! These are absent if FORM=0. The scale is normally f=1 when sintheta/wave=0. ! The order must be increasing sintheta/wave ( <20 values for each atom ). ! *(2F8.4) 7. NCYCLES, RELAX FACTORS - co-ords, DW fact, scale & occup f's (0.8,0.8,0.8) OUT(=1), PUNCH(=3), MATRIX(=1), CORREL(=1), COORD(=1) ! NCYCLES - try 1 cycle until everything works, then refine scale, zero and ! lattice constants before refining structure parameters. ! RELAXC - relaxation factor for co-ordinate shifts ! RELAXB - relaxation factor for Debye-Waller factor & preferred orientation ! RELAXS - relaxation factor for scale, occupation number, magnetic moment. ! A parameter shift of RELAX*calculated shift is applied at each cycle. ! 0.8 is used by the program for the halfwidth, zeropoint and cell parameters ! OUT =1 for printed output of observed & calculated profiles ( else =0 ) ! PUNCH =1 or 3 for PROFF.DAT output of seperated structure factors ! =2 or 3 for PROFI.DAT output of profile intensities ( else =0 ) ! MATRIX =1 for printed output of 100* correlation matrix elements (else =0) ! CORREL =1 for PROFC.DAT output of co-variance matrix ( else =0) ! COORD =1 for PROFD.DAT output of complete file of new parameters (else=0) ! *(I8,3F8.2,5I8) 8. SCALE FACTOR (YCALC=SCALE*YOBS), OVERALL TEMP FACTOR, ABSORBTION UR ! Use a scale factor of 1 at first, with 0 overall temperature factor. ! Note that a negative overall B can be used to correct for absorbtion. ! else enter uR=ln[I(nosample)/I(sample)] ! see A.W. Hewat, Acta Cryst. (1979) A35, 248. ! *(3F8.4) 9. 2 LINES FOR EACH ATOM A. LABEL, NTYPE(b No.), MTYP(FF No.), MROT, x, y, z, B, n, Kx, Ky, Kz B. Bij(DIR=-1) OR BETAij(DIR=+1) (11), (22), (33), (12), (13), (23) ! Insert 2*ATOM lines ! LABEL - Atom identification eg CA1 ! NTYPE - ordinal number of atom scattering length ! MTYPE - ordinal number of magnetic scattering table ! MROT - ordinal number of magnetic rotation vector for all equivalences. ! x,y,z - fractional atom co-ordinates ! B - isotropic atom temperature factor ( to be added to overall B ) ! n - atom occupation number ( normally atom multiplicity of Int. Tables) ! Kx,Ky,Kz - magnetic vector components ( zero for non-magnetic atoms) ! Bij - if DIR=-1, anisotropic B-factors ! BETAij- if DIR=+1, anisotropic Beta-factors eg. BETA12=B12xA*xA*/4 x cos c* ! where A*, B*, C* ; a*, b*, c* are reciprocal lattice constants ! the B-factor is then exp-[hxhBETA11 + ... + 2hxkBETA12 + ...] ! *(A4,3I4,8F8.5/9F8.5) 10. U,V,W,Z (For D1A, 1791.2 -4503.1 3998.3 -5.5 : NOTE V=-3.464U approximate) For D2B, 522.6 -1325.1 1770.3 0.0) - High Intensity (V=-4.828U) For D2B, ) - High Resolution (V=-4.828U) ! - The halfwidth of the line H and zero-point Z according to Cagliotti ! HxH=Utan*tan + Vtan + W where tan=tan(theta) ! Note the approximate relation V = -2Utan(theta monochromator) ! *(3F8.1,F8.4) 11. DIR (=-1 if real cell constants follow, =+1 for reciprocal cell parameters) ! - reciprocal cell parameters are calculated by the program such that ! - 1/dd = Ahh + Bkk + Cll + Dkl + Ehl + Fhk for d-spacing d ! *(I8) 12. a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma (if DIR=-1), A, B, C, D, E, F (if DIR=+1) ! - cell dimensions in Angstroms, angles in degrees ! *(3F8.5,3F8.4,6I4) 13. PREFERRED ORIENTATION ( 0.), & ASYMMETRY ( 0.) PARAMETERS ! - normally preferred orientation is not needed for neutrons ! *(2F8.4) 14. SIZE (number of least square parameters to be varied = matrix size ) *(I8) 15. 2 LINES OF CODEWORDS FOR EACH ATOM A. Cx, Cy, Cz, CB, Cn, CKx, CKy, CKz B. CB11, CB22, CB33, CB12, CB13, CB23 ! Codewords are of the form eg 931.0 or 870.5 for parameters 1x93 and 0.5x87 ! Then implicit relations between parameters can be implied ! eg 871.0 870.5 881.0 might be used for a special position ( x, x/2, z ) ! ! Cx,Cy,Cz - codewords for atom co-ordinates ! CB,Cn - codewords for isotropic atom B-factors and occupation numbers ! CKx,CKy,CKz - codewords for magnetic vector components ! CB11,CB12 etc codewords for anisotropic Bij temperature factors ! ! ***Note*** all codeword numbers up to SIZE must be used, but in any order ! *(8F8.3/6F8.3) 16. CSCALE, CT - CODEWORDS FOR SCALE AND OVERALL DW FACTOR *(2F8.3) 17. CU, CV, CW, CZ - CODEWORDS FOR HALFWIDTH & ZEROPOINT *(4F8.3) 18. CA,CB,CC,CALPHA,CBETA,CGAMMA - CODEWORDS FOR CELL CONSTANTS *(6F8.3) 19. CG, CP - CODEWORDS FOR PREFERRED ORIENTATION & ASYMMETRY PARAMS *(2F8.3) 20. NLC, NLQ - NO. OF LINEAR & QUADRATIC CONSTRAINT FUNCTIONS *(2I8) 21. 1 SET OF LINES FOR EACH LINEAR CONSTRAINT ( / means new line ) a,i,j/ b,k,l/ c,m,n/ -100./ d -- aX(i,j)+bX(k,l)+cX(m,n)=d where X(i,j) are general parameters ! This defines the relation between the general parameters X(i,j) ! with i=1,ATOM and j=1,14 there are 14 parameters for each atom ie: ! x,y,z,B,n,Kx,Ky,Kz,B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23 ! *(F8.3,2I8) 22. 1 SET OF LINES FOR EACH QUADRATIC CONSTRAINT 2a,i,j,i,j/ b,K,L,k,l/ -100./d -- aX(i,j)**2+bX(K,L)*X(k,l)=d ! The quadratic expression is first differentiated to give eg ! 2aX(i,j)DX(i,j) +bX(K,L)DX(k,l) + bX(k,l)DX(K,L) ! then terms containing derivatives DX(i,j)=0 are removed ! ie. if X(i,j) is not to be refined then the derivative DX(i,j)=0 ! No mixed linear & quadratic relations are permitted ! *(F8.3,4I8)