The MolDraw Applet Help

XY Rotation: left mouse button
Z Rotation: right mouse button + Ctrl
Move: left mouse button + Shift
Zoom: left mouse button
Change Drawing Style: Ctrl + right click

Current implementation supports SHELX INS, RES files, CIFs, MDL MOL files and OLEX OLX (still in the development, but already in use) files. If you are interested in the applet's source code - please contact me.

You can download the Applet Classes including this and previous pages here. OLEX version 2.53 allows the creation of OLX files. The default drawing style usually follows TITLE instruction in OLX files and can take next parameters:
1. none - current drawing style
2. packing - sphere packing diagram

View of the MolDraw Applet window when it works :).  

© Oleg V. Dolomanov, 2003-2004
Last Updated 2004.01.20