SHELXS-86/PATSEE USER REGISTRATION FORM | Do not write here ! --------------------------------------- | Date sent: Title/Name: | Version: Institute: | Documentation: Full postal address: ---------------------------- Computer Network if available (e.g. EARN, BITNET): User ID: Node name: Telephone: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please return this form completed and signed to: Prof. George Sheldrick, Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie der Universitaet, Tammannstrasse 4, D-3400 Goettingen, Federal Republic of Germany. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer(s) on which programs will be used: Source of X-ray data (e.g. diffractometer type): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please tick ONE ONLY of the following options: [ ]A: Please add my name to the mailing list for updates & new releases, but do not send anything (I already have access to the programs). [ ]B: As [A], but please send a set of documentation (one free set is allowed per institute; paying customers all receive three sets). [ ]C: Please send the files by network transfer to the above ID/node (7 files, largest 6600 lines). Documentation is sent by post. [ ]D: Please send the files on [ ]360kB / [ ]1.2MB MSDOS/PCDOS diskettes (tick which). The precompiled PC version of SHELXS-86 is included. [ ]E: Industry standard 1/2" magnetic tape (ASCII, record=80, block=4000 bytes, unlabelled). please specify [ ]1600 / [ ]800 bpi. [ ]F: VMS $COPY format on 1600 bpi tape. [ ]G: VMS $COPY format on TK50 cassette ($40 extra). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition, please send [ ] extra sets of documentation at $10 per set. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHELXS and PATSEE are PUBLIC DOMAIN programs and may be freely copied. The charge of $99 for academics and $999 for profit-making institutions just covers our costs, including sending the programs free to third world and other countries which have difficulty finding foreign exchange. Payment is requested in DM at the current exchange rate; add $10 nuisance value if $ sent. There is NO CHARGE for academics for options A, B or C. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] I enclose a contribution of DM___ made payable to "Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie der Universitaet Goettingen, Prof. Sheldrick". [ ] I have transferred the sum of DM___ to the Regierungshauptkasse, acc. 811 703 at the Norddeutsche Landesbank Braunschweig (BLZ 270 500 00), for the "Institut fuer Anorg. Chemie der Universitaet Goettingen, Prof. Sheldrick, Titelgruppe 11165-476000", purpose "Unkostenbeitrag" [ ] I am unable to contribute, and appreciate that my request may be delayed until the account is sufficiently in credit to cover costs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I agree to inform the authors of any errors found in the programs and documentation, and accept that the authors have no liabilities in respect of such errors. Signed: Date: