DirAx Course

This course will show you the input and output for the examples 0 and 5. Example 0 is a straighforward run. Example 5 shows how to find multiple lattices.

A full run of example 0.

Note, the bold text is typed by you.
Dirax version 1.09b, 22-Feb-1999

                    C O N D I T I O N S    F O R    U S E
a. You may not copy DirAx neither the auxiliary files except for use by yourself
   or for use in your laboratory, institute, office and the like.
b. You may not hand over DirAx in any form to third parties without provable
   permission from the author.
c. You use DirAx at your own responsibility completely.
     Albert J.M. Duisenberg, Antoine M.M. Schreurs
     BIJVOET Centre for Biomolecular Research
     Laboratory for Crystal and Structural Chemistry
     Utrecht University since A.D. MDCXXXVI
     Padualaan 8, NL-3584 CH UTRECHT
     The Netherlands
     Electronic MAIL adresses:
     a.j.m.duisenberg@chem.uu.nl, a.m.m.schreurs@chem.uu.nl
Indexfit:2.0 Levelfit:1/1000 Dmax:80
AxisZero:0.05 AngleZero:0.1
CompareAxis:1.0 CompareAngle:5.0 CompareFactor:20.0 CorrelateRatio:10.0
Dirax> example 0
ex00 - This is a straightforward model run for a single lattice. 
  (In fact too easy for DirAx.)
  go              ! run with defaults
  lo              ! accept proposed ACL and show H indices
  ro              ! show cell and [R] and [D] matrices
  write           ! write file ex00.out for print-out
25 reflections from file /mnt/ccd/p/dirax/ex00.drx
Dirax> go
2600 triplets
2600 final triplets
2570 triplet vectors
Squishd: 2570 t vectors ==> 1922 t vectors
Sorting 1922 t vectors...
Reducing 1922 t vectors ==> 805 t vectors
Acl  #H    a       b       c     alpha   beta  gamma  Volume  Indexstatus
 25  25   6.530  41.209   6.671  89.99 101.53  90.00    1759  HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
 13  13   6.530   6.671  10.431  88.22  80.99  78.48     440  HnHHnnHnHnHnnHHnHnHHnnnHH
  9   9   6.530   6.671   8.410  97.33  97.10 101.54     352 ?nHHnnnnnnHnnHHnHnnnnHnnHH
  8   8   5.893   6.519   6.529 116.29 113.09  95.59     195  nnnnHnnnHHHnnnnHHnHnHnnnn
  7   7   4.930   5.173   6.530  91.48 104.10  97.39     160 ?HnnnnnnHnnnHHnnnnnnnnHnHH
selected ACL 25
Here you see 5 possible solutions. The solutions are identified by the Acl number in the first column. The second column, marked #H, gives the number of fitting reflections. In the last column, marked Indexstatus, the 'fitting' of all the reflections is displayed (H=fit, n=nonfit). The question marks in solutions 9 and 7 indicate some warning. More about this later.
The last line of the output shows the selected solution.
Dirax> lo
  nr      H       K     L  1/err    dth    dom    dch Netint
H  1:  0.000  16.000 1.000 89052  0.000  0.000 -0.001  130.8
H  2:  2.000  -2.999 1.000 22261  0.001  0.004  0.005  112.3
H  3:  0.000 -15.999 1.000 14127 -0.002  0.007 -0.003  141.7
H  4:  0.000 -12.002 1.000 26078  0.001  0.001 -0.004  194.5
H  5: -1.000  -5.001 2.001  6090  0.007  0.001  0.008   99.2
H  6: -1.000  -4.001 2.000 28873  0.000  0.001 -0.006   82.0
H  7: -1.000   5.001 2.000 15203 -0.002 -0.006 -0.006   87.8
H  8:  0.000 -16.998 1.000 21427 -0.002  0.003  0.001  144.1
H  9: -1.000   8.997 1.000 11459 -0.003 -0.001  0.009  173.0
H 10:  1.000   8.000 1.000 34777  0.001 -0.001  0.004   69.6
H 11:  2.000  -2.000 1.999  8708 -0.005 -0.002 -0.002  141.3
H 12:  1.000   4.002 1.001  7714  0.006  0.005  0.003   43.4
H 13: -1.000  -4.998 1.000  9340 -0.005  0.000  0.002  334.6
H 14: -0.999   4.998 1.000  9967 -0.004 -0.003  0.002  332.7
H 15: -1.000   9.001 0.000 12960  0.000 -0.013 -0.010  148.9
H 16: -1.000  -4.002 0.000 14346  0.003  0.003 -0.007  330.6
H 17: -1.000   5.004 0.000  8954  0.003 -0.024 -0.011  197.6
H 18:  1.000  -4.001 0.000 15309  0.002  0.003 -0.012  371.0
H 19:  1.000  -5.001 0.000 14639  0.003  0.006  0.001  178.5
H 20: -1.000   1.000 1.001  8374  0.005  0.001  0.010 1537.2
H 21: -1.000   0.000 1.000 21252  0.002  0.003 -0.003 1100.8
H 22:  1.000  -2.000 2.000 17431 -0.003  0.000 -0.002   62.5
H 23: -1.000   2.000 0.000 12613 -0.002 -0.008 -0.019  304.3
H 24: -1.000   1.001 0.000 19948  0.002 -0.006 -0.008  579.3
H 25:  1.000  -1.001 0.000 17501  0.002 -0.006 -0.012  532.3
1/error for H: from 6090 to 89052.

Dirax: write
Created ex00.out
Dirax> end
dirax ended at 23-Jul-1999 15:34:16 CPU time used 00:00:01

The question marks in the Acl solution list mark some warning. In this example, you could select a different solution:
Dirax> acl
Acl  #H    a       b       c     alpha   beta  gamma  Volume  Indexstatus
 25  25   6.530  41.209   6.671  89.99 101.53  90.00    1759  HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
 13  13   6.530   6.671  10.431  88.22  80.99  78.48     440  HnHHnnHnHnHnnHHnHnHHnnnHH
  9   9   6.530   6.671   8.410  97.33  97.10 101.54     352 ?nHHnnnnnnHnnHHnHnnnnHnnHH
  8   8   5.893   6.519   6.529 116.29 113.09  95.59     195  nnnnHnnnHHHnnnnHHnHnHnnnn
  7   7   4.930   5.173   6.530  91.48 104.10  97.39     160 ?HnnnnnnHnnnHHnnnnnnnnHnHH
acl/auto [25] 9
selected ACL 9
WARNING: all |K| indices zero or one
Solutions with question marks are not selected as default solution.
A full run of example 5.

Dirax> example 5
ex05 - Data from a twinned crystal. Default parameters. A super solution
is found for all reflections, which is common with real twins.
Note: It it not possible to give general rules for this sort of problems.
The super cell COULD be correct (and IS geometrically!) but you have to
consider crystallographical aspects. Here we select ACL 18 because this
looks promising.  Write results to file ex05.out1.
Continue with 'n' (not fitting) reflections only. Now the other lattice
is found. Write to file ex05.out2 and compare with .out1 later.
Normally with so few 'n' reflections a sub-lattice is found rather then a
congruent lattice. Then you have to search further selectively.
  go                 ! run with defaults
  acl 18             ! overrule super lattice solution ACL 25
  go                 ! go again with H-refl's only, for 1st lattice
  cell               ! cell etc. for 1st lattice
  store a            ! save this solution
  write ex05.out1    ! write file for print-out
  invert             ! H -> n and n -> H
  go                 ! again with N-refls only, for other lattice
  loh                ! list H refls for 2nd lattice
  cell               ! cell etc. for 2nd lattice
  store b            ! save this solution
  write ex05.out2    ! write file for print-out
  compare a b        ! compare the two solutions
  .                  ! accept proposed solution
The super lattice is geometrically correct, but we know better.
The lattices with V=833.7 can be transformed to monoclinic C.
NOTE: as usually some reflections fit into both twin lattices.
25 reflections from file /mnt/ccd/p/dirax/ex05.drx
Dirax> go
2600 triplets
2600 final triplets
2564 triplet vectors
Squishd: 2564 t vectors ==> 1838 t vectors
Sorting 1838 t vectors...
Reducing 1838 t vectors ==> 1006 t vectors
Acl  #H    a       b       c     alpha   beta  gamma  Volume  Indexstatus
 25  25   9.642  15.090  75.029  95.77  93.65  89.98   10839  HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
 21  21   9.642  15.090  68.772  90.00  91.97  89.97   10000  HHHHHHHHnHnHHHHHHnnHHHHHH
 20  20   9.642  15.090  45.886  90.00  91.96  89.98    6672  HnHHHHnnHHHHHHHHHnnHHHHHH
 18  18   9.641   9.824   9.827 100.33 105.39 105.35     834  HnHHHHnnnHnHHHHHHnnHHHHHH
  7   5   2.345   2.962   7.634  89.12  81.20  84.20      52 ?nnnnHnnnnnnnnnHHnnnnnHnHn
selected ACL 25

Dirax> acl 18
selected ACL 18
Now we do another go with the H-reflections only.
Dirax> go
18 H_reflections selected out of 25
969 triplets
969 final triplets
948 triplet vectors
Squishd: 948 t vectors ==> 858 t vectors
Sorting 858 t vectors...
Reducing 858 t vectors ==> 401 t vectors
Acl  #H    a       b       c     alpha   beta  gamma  Volume  Indexstatus
 18  18   9.641   9.824   9.827 100.33 105.39 105.35     834  HnHHHHnnnHnHHHHHHnnHHHHHH
selected ACL 18
Only one solution. Store it.

Dirax> store a

and look for another solution with the nonfits only.

Dirax> lchi
Nfit:7        123456789 123456789 12345
Nonfit:18     nHnnnnHHHnHnnnnnnHHnnnnnn
Dirax> go
7 H_reflections selected out of 25
56 triplets
56 final triplets
56 triplet vectors
Squishd: 56 t vectors ==> 29 t vectors
Sorting 29 t vectors...
Reducing 29 t vectors ==> 27 t vectors
Acl  #H    a       b       c     alpha   beta  gamma  Volume  Indexstatus
  7  10   9.643   9.821   9.826 100.35 105.36 105.34     834  nHnnnnHHHnHnnnnnnHHnnHHHn
selected ACL 7
Another solution, with same volume as the previous one. Store it.

Dirax> store b

Now we want to compare the two solutions.

Dirax> compare a b
Save A :   9.641   9.824   9.827  100.33  105.39  105.35     833.7
Save B :   9.643   9.821   9.826  100.35  105.36  105.34     833.6
Volume ratio = 1.0 IndexStatus correlation=-0.77
Trying 216 solutions
Nr Rotangle       Rotvec(xyz)           RotVec(hkl)        RotVec(uvw)     Fom
 1 -179.954  0.1913  0.3914  0.9001  11.00 -2.97 -2.97   1.00  0.00  0.00  0.15
 2  179.991  0.7760 -0.6218  0.1055   0.00  1.00  1.00   7.02 12.99 13.00  0.13
First you see the two solutions (cell parameters, volume and index status) The volume ratio is 1.0 (this is ok) and the indexstatus correlation is -0.77. If the index status of both solutions is equal the correlation will be 1.0. If the index status of the two solutions is complementary, the correlation is -1.0. The value here (-0.77) indicates an almost complete complementary relation.
Then there are two solutions. So there are two rotations who map solution a to solution b. The rotation vectors are given in the laboratory system (xyz), in the reciprocal space (hkl) and direct space (uvw). The first solution is a rotation over almost 180 degrees around the a-axis. The second solution is a rotation over almost 180 degrees around the b*+c*-diagonal.
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