General Surf3D Help

These web pages represent a quick-viewing interface to the numor data files generated for each experiment at the ILL. The main interface page calls two separate programs:

If no errors occur, the VRML file generated by surf3d is sent back to the calling computer.

To make use of this interface, all you need is a VRML viewer.

You will need at least a PC 486-DX or PowerPC Macintosh to make good use of your VRML viewer.

VRML Viewers:

Complete information about VRML viewers can be obtained from the VRML repository.

How to set up to make life easy on Unix computers

You must add the following to your Unix .mailcap and .mime.types files if you want Netscape to automatically open your viewer when it encounters a VRML file. (You can do the equivalent for Macintosh and Windows in the menu set-up):

  • To .mime.types add:
    type=x-world/x-vrml exts=wrl,vrml

  • To .mailcap add something like:
    x-world/x-vrml; webspace -remote %s -URL %u ; description="VRML document"

  • Or on SGI you may use the Inventor 2.1 Viewer by adding instead something like:
    x-world/x-vrml; ivview %s ; description="VRML document"