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Platon (Shelx Compatible) Structure Analysis Toolkit Software by Ton Spek

Why you should keep updating your version of Platon and another ADDSYM example of why Platon/Addsym should be considered a mandatory program for all crystallographers

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Platon's Addsym Manual - by Ton Spek

Platon (like many crystallographic) programs is continually enhanced and updated. As enhancements to Platon occur thick and fast, it is in your interest to check for updates often. This is shown by the following example of the ADDSYM function (for finding missing symmetry) which was majorly updated in the 20th November, 2000 version being now much enhanced with respect to subcells.

Checking for Updated versions of Platon

Platon updates list file on the Internet - Ton Spek, Bijvoet Center - Utrecht University

Updating your version of Platon

For UNIX users there is a UNIX Platon auto-update script available from the CCP14 site and the latest Platon for Windows ported by Louis Farrugia now is quicker to update due to splitting the "Windows interface" and the "Platon Core".

Ortep-3, WinGX, WinStruplo and Platon for MS Windows - Louis J. Farrugia

Platon's Addsym is "also" applicable to finding missing symmetry in inorganic structures, mineral structures and structures solved and refined using powder diffraction methods.

Platon makes this type of check quite trivial and easy to do for all structures: just run Platon for UNIX or Windows and open either a CIF, Shelx or Platon file. More compelling reasons for routinely do this are in the following webpage on "Cases of Pseudo Symmetry or real missed Symmetry in the CSD".

Downloadable structure files

The relevant structure files can be downloaded below:

If running Platon for UNIX, just type platon filename.spf, platon filename.ins, platon filename.res or platon filename.cif to enter the Shelx or CIF file.

For Platon for Windows, run the new PMT.EXE Platon Interface, open a structure file using the File, Select Data File command then select Start Graphical Menu to view the common Platon menu options. (or just browse the Windows style menu system).

Clicking right mouse button over a menu option will spawn a web browser and give the context sensitive on-line help for the desired menu option.

common Platon menu options

Selecting PLUTONauto will allow you to view and manipulate the structure. The various Addsym commands will allow you to run Addsym at the click of a button. The ADDSYM-SHX option will output a new Shelx *.RES file of the found higher symmetry structure.

Following is the P1 triclinic structure viewed in the Pluton mode of Platon.

(96 independent Carbon atoms)

Cell of: 9.74832 12.74268 15.70341 99.506 77.047 92.504

Triclinic structure in viewed in Pluton mode

Following is the P-1 triclinic structure as found by the old pre-November 20th version of Platon's Addsym.

1/2 subcell: (24 independent Carbon atoms)

Cell of: 9.74832 12.74268 15.70341 99.506 77.047 92.504

Triclinic structure in viewed in Pluton mode

Following is the P 21/C monoclinic structure as found by the NEW post-November 20th version of Platon's Addsym.

1/8 subcell: (3 independent Carbon atoms)

Cell of: 5.5375 5.5660 8.0032 90.000 108.177 90.000

Monoclinic structure in viewed in Pluton mode

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